I'm so embarrassing.

Blogger loves me because it changed my last post into a blue font half page monstrosity. 

Thanks Blogger.

Anywho I don't ever post because 1), I feel like everything that comes out of my mouth is just horrifically boring, and 2), I just have no idea what the heck I'm doing.

Besides no one ever reads this anyway. 

I decided to at least try today, so here are the things I've been obsessed with as of late:

House of Gold by Twenty One Pilots

I've heard it many times, but never realized it was by them. Unlike my friends, I've not really into any bands, so I can probably only name one other song. But it is amazing, particularly this Katherine and Eden cover:

This and legitimately every song and cover they've ever done is amazing.

The Wrong Girl by C.J. Archer

I downloaded it on iBooks, and it quickly became one of my favorites. I will hopefully do a review of it soon, but knowing me that will probably be 8 months in the future.

My Opinion on the new Google logo:

I'm on the fence about it. On one hand, its endearingly fun while still maintaining the feeling of Google, but on the other hand most of my childhood was spent with the old one. And I really don't like change. I was throwing rocks when they updated the YouTube player.

Animal of the day:


My love of endangered animals is still here. This is the nautilus, which was sighted about a week ago for the first time in thirty years. That's pretty insane. I have a link to an article here, because we all know I'm not a very reliable source of relaid information; http://www.washington.edu/news/2015/08/25/rare-nautilus-sighted-for-the-first-time-in-three-decades/

And that's it. Have a good day people.


  1. That cover is beautiful! xx The new Google logo isn't attractive in my opinion, which is why I'm choosing not to update the app on my phone/tablet. It's an eyesore in my opinion. ;(
    ~ Sanjana

    1. Hi Sanjana! Yeah, it is pretty childish in my opinion. To quote a tweet I saw about it "Google logo feels like a geometric baby rattle stamping on a human face forever". Haha.

  2. I feel you with the whole logo thing. I mean sure it's cool, but I can't handle change and it's been bugging me all day long. xD (and same with the Youtube player wow I couldn't handle that either)
    And the animal of the day is really cool, I'm actually getting excited about learning wow xD

    1. Yeah, I literally had a panic attack when the YouTube player switched in the middle of a video I was watching. I'm surprised my laptop made it:)


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