A book review of If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay by Gayle Forman
My Rating: 3.9 out of 5

I swear I'm not dead.
Just lazy.

So recently I've been doing lots of reading. I've reread some of my favorite books, and some books I've never read before, so expect reviews of these books soon:

~The Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare
~Cinder by Marissa Meyer
~Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Onto thy review:

-----------------------------------WARNING SPOILERS AHEAD-----------------------------------------------

    First off, for extremely devoted fans of the book.... I was disappointed in it. Maybe it was because some people made it sound like the holy grail. Also because it was made into a movie. Generally I judge books made into movies, because they have to be really good for producers to see the potential to butcher it up completely and stick it on the big screen to make zillions of dollars from poor unsuspecting fans.

                                                                     *cough cough*
   The Premise:
     Mia Hall is 17 year old cello prodigy who is dating Adam, a member of the band "Shooting Star" which is skyrocketing to fame. Her parents were former punks and are still ridiculously awesome now and has an adorable little brother named Teddy.

    Which means something terrible is going to happen and they're all going to die.


So basically Mia and her family as they are driving, end up in a car accident. Later she is found in a coma, while the rest of her family die shortly afterwards. (I'll admit, I did tear up a bit when Teddy died.) The rest of the book is spent with comatose Mia contemplating if she should stay and wake up or join the rest of her family in a better place.

Throughout the book we also learn a lot about Mia's childhood and her discovery of the cello. We also learn about her family and their past. 

Final Opinion:
    It was a nice book, but not the exceptional magical rainbow unicorn vomit it was mae out to be by the fans. Though I don't blame them, I tend to gush about The Heroes of Olympus a lot...


  1. You know, Alisa? I think you should become a full-time book blogger. I think you'd like book blogging more than what a lot of others do... At least try to post a review of every book you read! :)
    ~ Sanjana


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