Random Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

So the way I, as a procrastinator see it, I can get away with just posting a few pictures, because they're technically worth thousands of words.

I have dropped to a new low.

Cute Picture of the Day:
Chacoan Peccary
                                  Its a Chacoan Peccary, which is an endangered species thought to be extinct before. Its also extremely cute :) *

My Dream Pet:

The Axolotl is probably one of the most adorable little things I have ever seen, and its also an endangered species, though its doing better in captivity. There aren't that many left in the wild, as they only live in Mexico.*

Book Character of the Day:

Artwork by Viria

Nico DiAngelo of the Percy Jasckson world.

He is my favorite every day.

Because he is awesome.

I also might do a rip it or ship it with him and other book characters soon (read: 2 months) so be on the lookout for that.

Guilty Pleasure:

Every Witch Way
*Sigh. I watch a show that's primarily aimed towards seven year olds. Wow. To be honest its not really that deep, and the earlier episodes were cringe worthy, its fun and I am willing to tell the internet that I watched this thing.

I feel you all judging me, but since my self dignity has long since left, I suppose I'll deal with it.

Also excuse the awful formatting, I did something and I don't know what I did.

*I don't know if this is 100% reliable, I read this info a while ago so it's not exactly fresh in my head

So this is my lazy post today. The torture of education has once again started and I am miserably terrible at everything.

I also might change the name of my blog, just a warning to the few members of the internet that read this thing.



  1. I'm sorry about the last part being all screwed up. I literally have no idea what I did, so please tel me how to fix it. I will appreciate it very much.

    1. Try changing the color in "EDIT". :)
      ~ Sanjana

    2. That won't work. It looks regular on the editing page.


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