It's the middle of August, and I have opinions on things.

SHOW: Miss 2059 by Anna Akana

So Anna Akana is one of my favorite youtubers, and when she announced that she was doing a series on Go90, I was like heck to the yes and immediately downloaded the app. The show is based off her short film "Miss Earth", and basically centers around a hunger games like universe in the future, where people from different planets fight each other to see who's planet gets to live and who dies. I'm really bad at describing stuff, so if you live in the U.S download the app yourself and watch the show. I think if you live elsewhere you can either use a VPN or at least watch the first episode on YouTube.

BOOK: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

I wasn't expecting myself to like this that much, because while I liked Fangirl the Simon Snow parts didn't stick that much with me. I was very wrong. The book is amazing, and the ending was a complete plot twist I didn't 100% like, but the the characters are great. Simon is great, Baz is great, Penelope is great, Ebb is great...well Agatha was terrible. I didn't like Agatha, but this book is a solid 8/10.

MUSIC: The Hamilton Soundtrack

I'm like 3/4ths through the soundtrack, but so far its really good, and I understand why everyone is obsessed with it. Now I'm enraged that so much of the original cast has left. Whatever, I would still sob if I got the chance to see it. My favorite song is Guns and Ships, but literally all the songs are a masterpiece.

That's all the things I really like (actually most if this carries over from July.) Also I might start reviewing some teenage literature from the 1980's soon, as I inherited a bookshelfs worth of Sweet Valley books from a relative, and WOW they are hilariously terrible. Expect sarcastic reviews, and thanks for reading.


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